[Python-Dev] Suggested addition to PEP 8 for context managers

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 09:14:11 CEST 2012

On 16 April 2012 17:10, Nam Nguyen <bitsink at gmail.com> wrote:
> PEP 8 suggests no extra spaces after and before square brackets, and
> colons. So code like this is appropriate:
> a_list[1:3]
> But I find it less readable in the case of:
> a_list[pos + 1:-1]
> The colon is seemingly lost in the right.
> Would it be better to read like below?
> a_list[pos + 1 : -1]
> Any opinion?

It says no space *before* a colon, not after. So the following should
be OK (and is what I'd use):

a_list[pos + 1: -1]


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