[Python-Dev] SPARC testers (and buildbot!) needed

Floris Bruynooghe flub at devork.be
Thu Aug 9 16:11:15 CEST 2012

On 9 August 2012 08:11, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> wrote:
> Le 09/08/2012 01:26, Floris Bruynooghe a écrit :
>> Also, would it make sense to support OpenCSW more out of the box?
>> Currently we carry some patches for setup.py in order to pick up e.g.
>> sqlite from /opt/csw etc.  Would there be an interest in supporting
>> this?
> I don't know, what is OpenCSW?
> I think the answer also depends on the complexity of said patches.

OpenCSW is a community effort (CSW == Community SoftWare) to build a
repository of GNU/Linux userland binaries for Solaris.  It makes
package management as simple as on GNU/Linux, e.g.: "pkgutil --install
wget gcc4core libsqlite3_dev" which would otherwise be a very long and
laborious exercise.  It is very well maintained and I consider it a
must for any Solaris box which isn't tightly locked down.

As said in my other mail the patches are rather trivial but I will
open an issue to discuss there.


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