[Python-Dev] Edits to Metadata 1.2 to add extras (optional dependencies)

Donald Stufft donald.stufft at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 17:17:08 CEST 2012

On Tuesday, August 28, 2012 at 11:07 AM, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:

> > What happens when it expires? Is that name freed up for future use?
> Yes, exactly.
> > I
> > think that freeing up the name is likely to be a bad idea since we can't go
> > backwards in time (as you alluded to later about not deleting them), so
> > what does expiration do?
> >  
> Why would it require going backwards in time? Existing usages of the
> extension just become invalid, e.g. with the consequence that you can't
> upload the package to PyPI anymore unless you remove the extension,
> or re-register it.
> If the extension is in active use, somebody certainly will make sure it
> stays registered. Expiration is to free up names that are not in active
> use, but are otherwise reasonable names for metadata fields (say,
> Requires-Unicode-Version).

What do you do with packages that have already been uploaded with
requires-unicode-version once it expires? If the point of a registry is
to remove ambiguity from what any particular key means, won't expiring
and allowing reregistration of an in use name (even if it's no longer being
uploaded, but is still available inside of a package) reintroduce that same
ambiguity? How will we know that requires-unicode-version from a package
uploaded a year ago and has since expired is different than requires-unicode-version
from a package uploaded yesterday and has been reregistered?  

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