[Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] cpython: PEP 410

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at haypocalc.com
Thu Feb 9 10:32:29 CET 2012

>>> changeset:   74832:f8409b3d6449
>>> user:        Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at haypocalc.com>
>>> date:        Wed Feb 08 14:31:50 2012 +0100
>>> summary:
>>>  PEP 410
>> Ah, even when written by a core dev, a PEP should still be at Accepted
>> before we check anything in. PEP 410 is still at Draft.
> Never mind, I just saw the checkin that reverted the change.

Yeah, I should use a clone of the repository instead of always working
in the same repository. I pushed the commit by mistake. It is
difficult to manipulate such huge patch. I just created a clone on my
computer to avoid similar mistakes :-)


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