[Python-Dev] folding cElementTree behind ElementTree in 3.3

Eli Bendersky eliben at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 15:59:48 CET 2012

> """A common pattern in Python 2.x is to have one version of a module
> implemented in pure Python, with an optional accelerated version
> implemented as a C extension; for example, pickle and cPickle. This
> places the burden of importing the accelerated version and falling
> back on the pure Python version on each user of these modules. In
> Python 3.0, the accelerated versions are considered implementation
> details of the pure Python versions. Users should always import the
> standard version, which attempts to import the accelerated version and
> falls back to the pure Python version. The pickle / cPickle pair
> received this treatment. The profile module is on the list for 3.1.
> The StringIO module has been turned into a class in the io module."""
> Is there a good reason why xml.etree.ElementTree /
> xml.etree.cElementTree did not "receive this treatment"?

Since there appeared to be an overall positive response for making
this change in Python 3.3, and since there isn't longer any doubt
about the ownership of the package *in Python's stdlib* (see
I've opened issue 13988 on the bug tracker to follow the


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