[Python-Dev] Fwd: maintenance of the ElementTree / cElementTree packages in the Python standard library

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Sat Feb 11 03:44:20 CET 2012

A protagonist writes:

 > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 > From: Fredrik Lundh <fredrik at pythonware.com>

As a not-directly-concerned third party who's been lurking, it seems
to me like people are in way too much of a rush to "get things done".
Sending direct mail, addressing the precise question[1] seems to have
produced immediate results.  (And yes, I've been on this list long
enough to know that maintenance of ET/cET has been an issue for years.

While actually maintaining the code is important, continuity in the
community is important, too, and probably more so.  In this case,
continuity evidently will be achieved by a handoff rather than
reactivation of Fredrik.

It's a shame that this result had to be achieved by MvL putting his
foot down.  I'm glad he did.

[1]  Ie, not "when is this or that code issue going to be addressed",
but "in view of your apparent schedule constraints, would it be OK to
maintain the package in the stdlib with python-dev taking responsibility".

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