[Python-Dev] folding cElementTree behind ElementTree in 3.3

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Mon Feb 13 14:35:04 CET 2012

Eli Bendersky, 13.02.2012 12:35:
>> Since there appeared to be an overall positive response for making
>> this change in Python 3.3, and since there isn't longer any doubt
>> about the ownership of the package *in Python's stdlib* (see
>> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-February/116389.html),
>> I've opened issue 13988 on the bug tracker to follow the
>> implementation.
> The change was committed to the default branch. In 3.3, "import
> xml.etree.ElementTree" will automatically use the _elementtree accelerator,
> if available, and will fall back to a Python implementation otherwise. The
> documentation of ElementTree has also been updated to reflect this fact.



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