[Python-Dev] Windows build - fixing compile warnings before VS2010

martin at v.loewis.de martin at v.loewis.de
Wed Feb 22 06:45:48 CET 2012

Zitat von Brian Curtin <brian at python.org>:

> While some effort has gone on to get the 32-bit build to compile
> without warnings (thanks for that!), 64-bit still has numerous
> warnings. Before I push forward on more of the VS2010 port, I'd like
> to have a clean 2008 build all around so we can more easily track what
> may have changed.

Does that *really* have to be a prerequisite for porting to VS 2010?
If yes, then my hopes that we can move to VS 2010 before 3.3 are

> While I have your attention, I'd like to throw two other things out
> there to follow up the above effort:
> 1. Is anyone opposed to moving up to Level 4 warnings?

Not sure what this means. What kind of warnings would this get us?

MS says "This option should be used only to provide "lint" level
warnings and is not recommended as your usual warning level setting."

Usually, following MS recommendations is a good thing to do on Windows.
But then, the documentation goes on saying

"For a new project, it may be best to use /W4 in all compilations.
This will ensure the fewest possible hard-to-find code defects."

> ...take a deep breath...
> 2. Is anyone opposed to enabling warnings as errors?

The immediate consequence would be that the Windows buildbots
break when somebody makes a checkin on Unix, and they cannot
easily figure out how to rewrite the code to make the compiler
happy. So I guess I'm -1.


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