[Python-Dev] PEP 414 - Unicode Literals for Python 3

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 12:42:54 CET 2012

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Matej Cepl <mcepl at redhat.com> wrote:
> He cannot, because he would have to throw away whole PEP ... it is all based
> on non-sensical concept of "native string". There is no such animal (there
> are only strings and bytes, although they are incorrectly named Unicode
> strings and strings in Python 2), and whole PEP is just "I don't like Python
> 3 and I want it to be reverted back to Python 2".
> It doesn't matter anymore now, but I just needed to put it off my chest.

If you don't know what a native string is, then you need to study more
to understand why Armin's PEP exists and why it is useful. I suggest
starting with PEP 3333 (the WSGI update to v1.0.1 that first clearly
defined the concept of a native string:

There are concrete, practical reasons why the lack of Unicode literals
in Python 3 makes porting harder than it needs to be. Are they
insurmountable? No, of course not - there are plenty of successful
ports already that demonstate porting it quite feasible with existing
tools. But the existing approaches require that, in order to be
forward compatible with Python 3, a program must be made *worse* in
Python 2 (i.e. harder to read and harder to write correctly for
someone that hasn't learned Python 3 yet). Restoring unicode literal
support in 3.3 is a pragmatic step that allows a lot of code to *just
work* on Python 3. Most 2.6+ code that still doesn't work on Python 3
even after this change will be made *better* (or at least not made
substantially worse) by the additional changes necessary for forward

Unicode literals are somewhat unique in their impact on porting
efforts, as they show up *everywhere* in Unicode correct code in
Python 2. The diffs that will be needed to correctly tag bytestrings
in such code under Python 2 are tiny compared to those that would be
needed to strip the u"" prefixes.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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