[Python-Dev] PEP 414 - Unicode Literals for Python 3

Jim J. Jewett jimjjewett at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 19:59:20 CET 2012

In http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-February/117070.html
Vinay Sajip wrote:

> It's moot, but as I see it: the purpose of PEP 414 is to facilitate a
> single codebase across 2.x and 3.x. However, it only does this if your
> 3.x interest is 3.3+

For many people -- particularly those who haven't ported yet -- 3.x
will mean 3.3+.  There are some who will support 3.2 because it is a
LTS release on some distribution, just as there were some who supported
Python 1.5 (but not 1.6) long into the 2.x cycle, but I expect them to
be the minority.

I certainly don't expect 3.2 to remain a primary development target,
the way that 2.7 is.  IIRC, the only ways to use 3.2 even today are:

  (a)  Make an explicit choice to use something other than the default
  (b)  Download directly and choose 3.x without OS support
  (c)  Use Arch Linux

These are the sort of people who can be expected to upgrade.

Now also remember that we're talking specifically about projects that
have *not* been ported to 3.x (==> no existing users to support), and
that won't be ported until 3.2 is already in maintenance mode.

> If you also want to or need to support 3.0 - 3.2, it makes your
> workflow more painful,

Compared to dropping 3.2, yes.  Compared to supporting 3.2 today?
I don't see how.

> because you can't run tests on 2.x or 3.3 and then run them on 3.2
> without an intermediate source conversion step - just like the 2to3
> step that people find painful when it's part of maintenance workflow,
> and which in part prompted the PEP in the first place.

So the only differences compared to today are that:

(a)  Fewer branches are after the auto-conversion.
(b)  No "current" branches are after the auto-conversion.
(c)  The auto-conversion is much more limited in scope.



If there are still threading problems with my replies, please 
email me with details, so that I can try to resolve them.  -jJ

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