[Python-Dev] PEP 405 (built-in virtualenv) status

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Sat Jun 2 18:59:38 CEST 2012

On 15.03.12 22:43, Carl Meyer wrote:
> A brief status update on PEP 405 (built-in virtualenv) and the open issues:
> 1. As mentioned in the updated version of the language summit notes,
> Nick Coghlan has agreed to pronounce on the PEP.
> 2. Ned Deily discovered at the PyCon sprints that the current reference
> implementation does not work with an OS X framework build of Python.
> We're still working to discover the reason for that and determine
> possible fixes.
> 3. If anyone knows of a pair of packages in which both need to build
> compiled extensions, and the compilation of the second depends on header
> files from the first, that would be helpful to me in testing the other
> open issue (installation of header files). (I thought numpy and scipy
> might fit this bill, but I'm currently not able to install numpy at all
> under Python 3 using pysetup, easy_install, or pip.)

Hi Carl,

I appreciate this effort very well, as we are heavily using virtualenv 
in a project.
One urgent question: will this feature be backported to Python 2.7?

We still need 2.7 for certain reasons (PyPy is not ready for 3.x).

cheers - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)<mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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