[Python-Dev] Status of packaging in 3.3

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Wed Jun 20 09:09:19 CEST 2012

Am 19.06.2012 23:46, schrieb Éric Araujo:

Thanks for the detailed explanation, Éric.  Just quoting this paragraph,
since it contains the possibilities to judge:

>    With beta coming, a way to deal with that unfortunate situation needs 
> to be found.  We could (a) grant an exception to packaging to allow 
> changes after beta1; (b) keep packaging as it is now under a provisional 
> status, with due warnings that many things are expected to change; (c) 
> remove the unstable parts and deliver a subset that works (proposed by 
> Tarek to the Pyramid author on distutils-sig); (d) not release packaging 
> as part of Python 3.3 (I think that was also suggested on distutils-sig 
> last month).

(a) and (b) are certainly out of the question.  packaging must be solid
when shipped, and there's not enough time.  (c) might work (depending on
what features we're talking about), but you say yourself that you won't
be able to spend the time required, so I agree with basically everybody
else that (d) is the way to go (together with a PEP).


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