[Python-Dev] A Desperate Plea For Introspection (aka: BDFAP Needed)

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Fri Jun 22 20:31:39 CEST 2012

Here's PEP 362:


It adds easy introspection abilities to Python callables.  After a 
whirlwind of activity over the past several weeks we think it's ready.

All it needs now is an official pronouncement from some seasoned veteran 
of the Python community.  But that's where it's hit an impasse.  Nick 
Coghlan has recused himself because he was heavily involved in shaping 
it.  And obviously the authors (including myself, in a small way) are 
ineligible.  Nobody else has stepped forward.  Yet the feature freeze 
for 3.3 fast approaches--ominous, unstoppable, like a big round boulder 
headed straight for Indiana Jones.  Time is running out.

If you're BDFAP material, why not spend an enjoyable hour today perusing 
the fine work of these capable folks?  Then naturally all you'd need do 
is haul out your rubber stamp.  Mere moments later you'd be on your way, 
whistling a happy tune, a new spring in your step, knowing in your heart 
you'd made the world a better place.

The reference implementation for CPython trunk is here:


And here's the bug tracker issue:


So shines a good deed in a weary world,

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