[Python-Dev] Status of packaging in 3.3

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Sat Jun 23 10:02:18 CEST 2012

Paul Moore writes:

 > I suppose if you're saying that "pip install lxml" should download and
 > install for me Visual Studio, libxml2 sources and any dependencies,
 > and run all the builds, then you're right. But I assume you're not.

Indeed, if only a source package is available, it should.  That's
precisely what happens for source builds that depend on a non-system
compiler on say Gentoo or MacPorts.  What I'm saying is that the
packaging system should *always be prepared* to offer that service
(perhaps via plugins to OS distros' PMSes).  Whether a particular
package does, or not, presumably is up to the package's maintainer.

Even if a binary package is available, it may only be partial.
Indeed, by some definitions it alway will be (it will depend on an OS
being installed!)  Such a package should *also* offer the ability to
fix up an incomplete system, by building from source if needed.

Why can I say "should" here?  Because if the packaging standard is
decent and appropriate tools provided, there will be a source package
because it's the easiest way to create a distribution!  Such tools
will surely be able to search the system for a preinstalled
dependency, or a binary package cache for an installable package.  A
"complete" binary package would just provide the package cache on its
distribution medium.

 > So why should I need to install Visual Studio just to *use* lxml?

Because the packaging standard cannot mandate "high quality" packages
from any given user's perspective, it can only provide the necessary
features to implement them.  If the lxml maintainer chooses to depend
on a pre-installed libxml2, AFAICS you're SOL -- you need to go
elsewhere for the library.  VS + libxml2 source is just the most
reliable way to go elsewhere in some sense (prebuilt binaries have a
habit of showing up late or built with incompatible compiler options
or the like).

 > But I do think that there's a risk that the discussion, because it
 > is necessarily driven by developers, forgets that "end users"
 > really don't have some tools that a developer would consider
 > "trivial" to have.

I don't understand the problem.  As long as binary packages have a
default spec to depend on nothing but a browser to download the MSI,
all you need is a buildbot that has a minimal Windows installation,
and it won't be forgotten.  The developers may forget to check, but
the bot will remember!  I certainly agree that the *default* spec
should be that if you can get your hands on binary installer, that's
all you need -- it will do *all* the work needed.  Heck, it's not
clear to me what else the default spec might be for a binary package.

OTOH, if the developers make a conscious decision to depend on a given
library, and/or a compiler, being pre-installed on the target system,
what can Python or the packaging standard do about that?

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