[Python-Dev] PEP 423 : naming conventions and recipes related to packaging

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Thu Jun 28 13:11:32 CEST 2012

On Thu, 28 Jun 2012 12:35:24 +0200
BenoƮt Bryon <benoit at marmelune.net> wrote:
> Would you appreciate a reordering?
> Could be something like that:
> 1. adopt specific conventions if any.
> 2. avoid name collisions.
> 3. you'd better use flat names.
> 4. you'd better make it easy to find and remember the project.
> 5. you'd better use a single name and distribute only one
>     package at a time
> 6. follow rules about syntax (PEP 8)
> 7. once you are done, state about specific choices, if any.
>     This is the complement of point 1.
> 8. if in doubt, ask.

Yes, that would be better.

I think the PEP also needs to spell out the rationale better.
Also, reminding the distinction between modules, packages and
namespace packages could be useful to the reader, especially if it's
supposed to end up in the documentation.



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