[Python-Dev] making python's c iterators picklable (http://bugs.python.org/issue14288)

Jack Diederich jackdied at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 23:58:07 CET 2012

2012/3/13 Kristján Valur Jónsson <kristjan at ccpgames.com>:
> http://bugs.python.org/issue14288

> In my opinion, any objects that have simple and obvious pickle semantics
> should be picklable.  Iterators are just regular objects with some state.
> They are not file pointers or sockets or database cursors.  And again, I
> argue that if these objects were implemented in .py, they would already be
> automatically picklable (indeed, itertools.py was).  The detail that some
> iterators in standard python are implemented in C should not automatically
> restrict their usage for no particular reason.

+1, things that can be pickled should be pickleable.


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