[Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] cpython: PEP 417: Adding unittest.mock

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Wed Mar 14 21:46:29 CET 2012

On 3/14/2012 4:22 PM, Michael Foord wrote:
> On 14 Mar 2012, at 13:08, Terry Reedy wrote:
>> On 3/14/2012 3:25 PM, michael.foord wrote:
>>> +# mock.py +# Test tools for mocking and patching.

>> Should there be a note here about restrictions on editing this
>> file? I notice that there are things like
>>> +class OldStyleClass: +    pass +ClassType = type(OldStyleClass)
>> which are only present for running under Py2 and which would
>> normally be removed for Py3.
> Yeah, I removed as much of the Python 2 compatibility code and
> thought I'd got it all. Thanks for pointing it out.

2000 lines is a lot to check through.
> I'm maintaining a "clean" (no Python 2 compatibility code) version in
> the standard library.

Great. Here is something else, which is why I thought otherwise ;-).

+def _instance_callable(obj):
+    """Given an object, return True if the object is callable.
+    For classes, return True if instances would be callable."""
+    if not isinstance(obj, type):
+        # already an instance
+        return getattr(obj, '__call__', None) is not None
+    klass = obj
+    # uses __bases__ instead of __mro__ so that we work with
 >>>  old style classes
+    if klass.__dict__.get('__call__') is not None:
+        return True
+    for base in klass.__bases__:
+        if _instance_callable(base):
+            return True
+    return False

If you want to leave the code as is, remove or revise the comment.

> I'll be maintaining mock, so I'd like to be
> assigned any issues on it and at least talked to before changes are
> made. I am maintaining a backport still, but the Python standard
> library version is the canonical version.

Add unittest.mock to devguide/experts.rst and yourself with * appended.

Searching for 'old', I also found

+def _must_skip(spec, entry, is_type):
+    if not isinstance(spec, type):
+        if entry in getattr(spec, '__dict__', {}):
+            # instance attribute - shouldn't skip
+            return False
 >>>+        # can't use type because of old style classes
+        spec = spec.__class__
+    if not hasattr(spec, '__mro__'):
 >>>+        # old style class: can't have descriptors anyway
+        return is_type

In testcallable.py
+    def test_patch_spec_callable_class(self):
+        class CallableX(X):
+            def __call__(self):
+                pass
+        class Sub(CallableX):
+            pass
+        class Multi(SomeClass, Sub):
+            pass
 >>>+        class OldStyle:
+            def __call__(self):
+                pass
 >>>+        class OldStyleSub(OldStyle):
+            pass
+        for arg in 'spec', 'spec_set':
 >>>+            for Klass in CallableX, Sub, Multi, OldStyle, OldStyleSub:

This is the last.

Terry Jan Reedy

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