[Python-Dev] Python install layout and the PATH on win32

VanL van.lindberg at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 22:57:10 CET 2012

On 3/14/2012 6:30 PM, Mark Hammond wrote:
> So why not just standardize on that new layout for virtualenvs?

That sounds like the worst of all worlds - keep all the existing special 
cases, and add one.

The fact is that most code doesn't know about this, only installers or 
virtual environments. Most code just assumes that distutils does its 
thing correctly and that binaries are installed... wherever the binaries go.

Again, I have experience with this, as I have edited my own install to 
do this for a couple of years. The breakage is minimal and it makes 
things much more consistent and easier to use for cross-platform 

Right now we are in front of the knee on major 3.x adoption - I would 
like to have things be standardized going forth everywhere.


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