[Python-Dev] Python install layout and the PATH on win32

VanL van.lindberg at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 17:24:33 CET 2012

On 3/20/2012 11:19 AM, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
> No - there is an version #3a: 3.a) Get a shell and run the script CD 
> into the directory, then directly run foo.py, without prefixing it 
> with python.exe. This doesn't require any changes to the path, and is 
> shorter in usage than having the path specified.

Fair enough - but notice: 1) You are still in the shell, instead of 
running from the start menu; and 2) what if you want to import it and 
test a function with various inputs? You either implement a 
request/response in a __main__ block, or type "python" and then import foo.

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