[Python-Dev] Playing with a new theme for the docs

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Thu Mar 22 18:12:32 CET 2012

On Mar 21, 2012, at 6:28 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:

> Ned Batchelder wrote:
>> Any of the tweaks people are suggesting could be applied individually using this technique.  We could just as easily choose to make the site left-justified, and let the full-justification fans use custom stylesheets to get it.
> Is it really necessary for the site to specify the justification
> at all? Why not leave it to the browser and whatever customisation
> the user chooses to make?

It's design.  It's complicated.

Maybe yes, if you look at research related to default usage patterns, and saccade distance, reading speed and retention latency.

Maybe no, if you look at research related to fixation/focus time, eye strain, and non-linear access patterns.

Maybe maybe, if you look at the subjective aesthetic of the page according to various criteria, like "does it look like a newspaper" and "do I have to resize my browser every time I visit a new site to get a decent width for reading".

As has been said previously in this thread several times, it's best to leave this up to a design czar who will at least make some decisions who will make some people happy.  I'm fairly certain it's not possible to create a design that's optimal for all readers in all cases.


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