[Python-Dev] Python install layout and the PATH on win32 (Rationale part 2: Moving the python.exe)

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Mar 23 04:39:25 CET 2012

[snipped some CCs]

On 23/03/2012 2:20 PM, Brian Curtin wrote:
> I get that tools could be affected. I had two IDE makers at PyCon
> immediately throw up red flags to this change. I think one of them was
> about to charge the stage during my talk. When it was mentioned that
> we could point them to the proper location, they breathed a sigh of
> relief and said "cool, do it". If a registry key pointing you to
> python.exe (rather, the directory) right now in Python<  3.3 works,
> why doesn't another one pointing you to python.exe in Python>= 3.3
> work?

It will work.  The fact MvL is proposing the conservative approach of 
landing this in 3.5+ and have 3.3+ include the *new* registry key means 
I'm willing to reluctantly accept it rather than aggressively oppose it. 
  Tools then have a chance to adapt to the new key.  If the proposal 
moved any faster, existing tools which only use the old key would break 
without warning.  The fact they need to change at all is unfortunate, 
but the timescale proposed means we can at least say we warned them.


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