[Python-Dev] datetime module and pytz with dateutil

Andrew Svetlov andrew.svetlov at gmail.com
Sat Mar 31 21:36:16 CEST 2012

On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 10:20 PM, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu> wrote:

> So I think we should define correct behavior of pytz as use with the latest
> Olson database. Use with an older version would then be a 'bug' subject to
> being fixed. On Windows, we could update as needed with every bugfix
> release. (And give instructions for user update.) On other systems, users
> can do whatever is appropriate. Or perhaps we could add an 'update tz
> database' function to the module.

Please, don't add updating function to standard lib. It's nightmare
for package maintainers.

In general I'm +0 for adding tz database to stdlib.

Andrew Svetlov

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