[Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] cpython: Issue #14127: Add ns= parameter to utime, futimes, and lutimes.

Benjamin Peterson benjamin at python.org
Fri May 4 17:01:40 CEST 2012

2012/5/4 Larry Hastings <larry at hastings.org>:
> +    if (times && (times != Py_None)) {
> Conditions in parenthesis like this is not style.
> Can you point me to where this is described in PEP 7?  I can't find it.

It's not explicitly stated, but there is the following nice example:

if (type->tp_dictoffset != 0 && base->tp_dictoffset == 0 &&
    type->tp_dictoffset == b_size &&
    (size_t)t_size == b_size + sizeof(PyObject *))
    return 0; /* "Forgive" adding a __dict__ only */

There's also the consistency with surrounding code imperative.


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