[Python-Dev] dir() in inspect.py ?

Stefano Taschini taschini at ieee.org
Mon May 21 07:52:05 CEST 2012

On 21 May 2012 03:36, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:

> [...]
> I have to agree with Christian that inspect.py is full of hacks and
> heuristics that would be fine in a module that's part of a user's app
> or even in a library, but stand out as brittle or outright unreliable
> in a stdlib module. Basically, you can't trust that inspect.py will
> work. I've seen various occasions (sorry, can't remember details)
> where some function in it outright crashed when given a slightly
> unusual (but not unreasonable) argument. It might be a nice project
> for a new contributor to improve this situation.
> [...]

An example that crashes is

    >>> def f(l, (x, y)):
    ...    sup = max(u*x + v*y for u, v in l)
    ...    return ((u, v) for u, v in l if u*x + v*y == sup)
    >>> inspect.getargspec(f)

See http://bugs.python.org/issue14611 . I did submit a patch, a few weeks

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