[Python-Dev] docs.python.org pointing to Python 3 by default?

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Mon May 21 13:42:28 CEST 2012

On 05/21/2012 11:09 AM, Łukasz Langa wrote:
> Wiadomość napisana przez Nick Coghlan w dniu 21 maj 2012, o godz. 09:24:
>> The following
>> would be using docs.python.org as a namespace (and is what I think we
>> should move towards):
>> docs.python.org/latest
>> docs.python.org/dev
>> docs.python.org/3.2
>> docs.python.org/3.1
>> docs.python.org/2.7
>> docs.python.org/2.6
> Love it. +1

Apart from the "latest" one, all these URLs already work.

Of course, /2.7 is redirected to /, and /3.3 to /dev, etc.
If required, the direction of these redirects can be changed, so
that e.g. / goes to /2.7.

What about:

* Canonical:


for latest versions of 2.x and 3.x

docs.python.org/2.7/ etc.

for latest minor versions


for latest dev version.

* Redirected:

docs.python.org/  -->  either /2/ or /3/ or a "disambiguation page"
docs.python.org/py3k/ -> /3/

There is also /release/X.Y.Z for individual released versions, which
I don't want to change.

I also like Martin's idea of offering more links between individual pages, not
only the front-pages.


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