[Python-Dev] PEP 420 - dynamic path computation is missing rationale

PJ Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue May 22 22:43:39 CEST 2012

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Eric V. Smith <eric at trueblade.com> wrote:

> On 05/22/2012 11:39 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> > Oops, I also meant to say that it's probably worth at least issuing
> > ImportWarning if a new portion with an __init__.py gets added - it's
> > going to block all future dynamic updates of that namespace package.
> Right. That's on my list of things to clean up. It actually won't block
> updates during this run of Python, though: once a namespace package,
> always a namespace package. But if, on another run, that entry is on
> sys.path, then yes, it will block all namespace package portions.

This discussion has gotten me thinking: should we expose a
pkgutil.declare_namespace() API to allow such an __init__.py to turn itself
back into a namespace?  (Per our previous discussion on transitioning
existing namespace packages.)  It wouldn't need to do all the other stuff
that the setuptools version does, it would just be a way to transition away
from setuptools.

What it would do is:
1. Recursively invoke itself for parent packages
2. Create the module object if it doesn't already exist
3. Set the module __path__ to a _NamespacePath instance.

def declare_namespace(package_name):
     parent, dot, tail = package_name.rpartition('.')
     attr = '__path__'
     if dot:
        parent, attr = 'sys', 'path'
     with importlockcontext:
          module = sys.modules.get(package_name)
          if module is None:
              module = XXX new module here
          module.__path__ = _NamespacePath(...stuff involving 'parent' and

It may be that this should complain under certain circumstances, or use the
'__path__ = something' idiom, but the above approach would be (basically)
API compatible with the standard usage of declare_namespace.

Obviously, this'll only be useful for people who are porting code going
forward, but even if a different API is chosen, there still ought to be a
way for people to do it.  Namespace packages are one of a handful of
features that are still basically setuptools-only at this point (i.e. not
yet provided by packaging/distutils2), but if it's the only setuptools-only
feature a project is using, they'd be able to drop their dependency as of

(Next up, I guess we'll need an entry-points PEP, but that'll be another
discussion. ;-) )
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