[Python-Dev] Hacking on the compiler in ways that break the frozen instance of importlib...

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Sun May 27 14:40:28 CEST 2012

Am 27.05.2012 09:43, schrieb Nick Coghlan:
> So, I'm currently trying to fix the regression in handling __class__
> references in 3.3. The first step in this is unwinding the name change
> for the closure reference so it goes back to using "__class__"
> (instead of "@__class__") before finding a different way to fix
> #12370.
> As near as I can tell, my efforts are getting killed by the frozen
> instance of importlib: if I make the change in the straightforward
> fashion, the frozen copy of FindLoader.load_module() uses
> zero-argument super(), which tries to look up "@__class__", which
> fails, which means initialisation goes pear-shaped.
> I'm going to fix it in this case by tweaking importlib._bootstrap to
> avoid using zero-argument super() (with an unmodified core) before
> applying the changes, but yeah, be warned that you're in for some fun
> when tinkering with any construct used by importlib._bootstrap and end
> up doing something that involves changing the PYC magic number.

I hate to say it, but: I told y'all so :)



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