[Python-Dev] cpython: Issue #14744: Fix compilation on Windows (part 2)

Kristján Valur Jónsson kristjan at ccpgames.com
Wed May 30 22:35:04 CEST 2012

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Curtin [mailto:brian at python.org] 
Sent: 30. maí 2012 15:56
To: Kristján Valur Jónsson
Cc: python-dev at python.org
Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] cpython: Issue #14744: Fix compilation on Windows (part 2)
appear to be no x64 buildbots.

>Antoine asked about one several weeks ago. I have a Windows 8 x64 machine that I am planning on setting up once I have the time. I'll try to shift things around and get it back into the >fleet.

>The machine used to be the 2008 x64 build slave we had last year.

I freely admit to not being a buildbot specialist, haven't touched those things for some years.  Hence my perhaps silly question:  Why do we need multiple windows machines, since they can cross compile and cross run left right and centre?  
Virtual PCs can be used to test compatibility with earlier versions.

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