[Python-Dev] Benchmarking Python 3.3 against Python 2.7 (wide build)

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Mon Oct 1 02:28:54 CEST 2012

On Sun, 30 Sep 2012 19:12:47 -0400
Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> ### mako_v2 ###
> Min: 0.137584 -> 0.287701: 2.09x slower
> Avg: 0.140620 -> 0.293204: 2.09x slower
> Significant (t=-296.14)
> Stddev: 0.00243 -> 0.00272: 1.1195x larger

Note that Mako can use the Markupsafe library for faster operation.
This will skew the result if one of your Pythons has Markupsafe
installed and the other does not.

Perhaps the benchmark runner should launch its subtests in a controlled
environment to avoid such issues?
(shipping a copy of Markupsafe would not be very practical, because it
has a C extension)



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