[Python-Dev] Proposed schedule for Python 3.4

martin at v.loewis.de martin at v.loewis.de
Wed Oct 3 20:28:16 CEST 2012

Zitat von Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com>:

>> I've roughed out a release schedule....
> Is there a rough list of changes for 3.4 written down somewhere, or is
> that only to be inferred based on PEPs whose Python-Version header
> reads "3.4"?  How confident are you that the schedule you've proposed
> gives enough time for proposed changes to be implemented and to
> stablize?

I think it's really vice-versa. We traditionally follow a timed
process: we release when enough time has passed, and include features
which are ready by the time we release.


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