[Python-Dev] Proposed schedule for Python 3.4

martin at v.loewis.de martin at v.loewis.de
Wed Oct 3 20:33:28 CEST 2012

Zitat von Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>:

> Regardless of when the first alpha happens, I'll be promoting the hell
> out of it, begging for feedback on any of these changes that are
> available by then (which should be quite a few, given the preceding
> PyCon US sprints). However, I would *like* to have months rather than
> weeks to act on any feedback we do receive. I'm not asking the release
> team to do any more work - I'm just asking for a chunk of it to be
> brought forward a few months. If I was asking for an *extra* release,
> I could understand resistance to the idea, but what's the concrete
> benefit of *delaying* the first alpha release by 4 months from when
> I'm hoping to see it happen?

I wouldn't mind having alpha 1 in April 2013, and alpha 2 in October 2013.
I share Larry's skepticism, and actually fear that it may confuse users
(which find that they test something completely different from what gets
released). However, I don't mind supporting this strategy anyway as an


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