[Python-Dev] Split unicodeobject.c into subfiles?

martin at v.loewis.de martin at v.loewis.de
Thu Oct 4 23:46:57 CEST 2012

Zitat von Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>:

> I only see one argument against such refactoring: it will be harder to
> backport/forwardport bugfixes.

I'm opposed for a different reason: I think it will be *harder* to maintain.
The amount of code will not be reduced, but now you also need to guess what
file some piece of functionality may be in. Instead of having my text editor
(Emacs) search in one file, it will have to search across multiple files -
but not across all open buffers, but only some of them (since I will have
many other source files open as well).

I really fail to see what problem people have with large source files.
What is it that you want to do that can be done easier if it's multiple


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