[Python-Dev] Python Bug Day in October

R. David Murray rdmurray at bitdance.com
Wed Oct 24 03:52:25 CEST 2012

On Tue, 23 Oct 2012 21:19:29 -0400, <merwok at netwok.org> wrote:
> Le 12/10/2012 13:50, Petri Lehtinen a écrit :
> > It's two and a half weeks left, but I've not seen any announcements
> > yet!
> Indeed, work and other commitments took over, so we (Montréal-Python)
> decided to move the bug day instead of announcing it late.  The date
> that would work for us is November 3rd.
> Brian, is it okay for Boston?
> Maciej, what about your group?
> Comitters, who could join on IRC?
> Sorry for the false start.

This is very disappointing.  You had previously said that it was a go.
People (who may or may not have spoken up here) may have already
arranged space and be planning on it, despite the lack of announcement.
I certainly was planning on it.

I'm not available on the 3rd.

I'll continue with my plans to be active in the IRC channel and focused
on Python bug fixing this Saturday from some time in the AM until about
18:00, GMT -4.  If no one else shows up I'll just have a personal bug
day, but I'm guessing at least a few people might show up despite the
lack of a wider formal announcement.


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