[Python-Dev] Split unicodeobject.c into subfiles

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Thu Oct 25 16:52:55 CEST 2012

Le 25/10/2012 02:03, Nick Coghlan a écrit :
> speed.python.org is also making progress, and once that is up and
> running (which will happen well before any Python 3.4 release) it will
> be possible to compare the numbers between 3.3 and trunk to help
> determine the validity of any concerns regarding optimisations that
> can be performed within a module but not across modules.

Nobody needs speed.python.org to run benchmarks before and after a 
specific change, though.  Cloning http://hg.python.org/benchmarks and 
using the perf.py runner is everything that is needed.

Moreover, you would want to run benchmarks *before* committing and 
pushing the changes. We don't want the huge splitting to be recorded and 
then backed out in the repository history.



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