[Python-Dev] Python 3.3 vs. Python 2.7 benchmark results (again, but this time more solid numbers)

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Fri Oct 26 21:14:08 CEST 2012

I re-ran the unladen benchmarks on my work machine and w/o the -b option
flipped on (i.e. more thorough benchmark numbers). I figured I would share
them now instead of after my PyCon Argentina talk in case people decide to
dig into the results now, find a pathological problem in CPython, and then
fix it before I give my presentation (if you have trouble running a
benchmark or it isn't available in the repo because it's one I hacked
together, just ask and I can help you run the benchmark if you want to try
to speed things up). I have colour-coded benchmarks based on whether it is
faster or slower in Python 3.3 (sorry for those of you who hate HTML email).

But the tl;dr message is that Python 3.3 looks good compared to Python 2.7
(the median benchmark score is 5% slower).

Worst benchmark is nosite_startup, best is telco. The benchmarks people
might want to analyze (i.e. more than 20% slower in Python 3.3) are
mako_v2, threaded_count, normal_startup, iterative_count, pathlib,
formatted_logging, and simple_logging.


Report on Linux 3.2.5-gg987 #1 SMP Fri Sep 14 02:36:36 PDT 2012 x86_64
Total CPU cores: 12

### 2to3 ###
9.320000 -> 8.980000: 1.04x faster

### call_method ###
Min: 0.417756 -> 0.355247: 1.18x faster
Avg: 0.419688 -> 0.356382: 1.18x faster
Significant (t=92.85)
Stddev: 0.00604 -> 0.00577: 1.0479x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/8soruze'

### call_method_slots ###
Min: 0.417611 -> 0.358451: 1.17x faster
Avg: 0.420761 -> 0.359676: 1.17x faster
Significant (t=88.70)
Stddev: 0.00605 -> 0.00588: 1.0291x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/8uu8234'

### call_method_unknown ###
Min: 0.459057 -> 0.359327: 1.28x faster
Avg: 0.462929 -> 0.360410: 1.28x faster
Significant (t=137.99)
Stddev: 0.00698 -> 0.00583: 1.1969x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9mo7h24'

### call_simple ###
Min: 0.341689 -> 0.265289: 1.29x faster
Avg: 0.343003 -> 0.266503: 1.29x faster
Significant (t=124.20)
Stddev: 0.00555 -> 0.00511: 1.0859x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9pnn7q4'

### chameleon ###
Min: 0.072232 -> 0.062713: 1.15x faster
Avg: 0.074588 -> 0.064261: 1.16x faster
Significant (t=33.74)
Stddev: 0.00284 -> 0.00245: 1.1599x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/8my8afl'

### chaos ###
Min: 0.313727 -> 0.367015: 1.17x slower
Avg: 0.317568 -> 0.371473: 1.17x slower
Significant (t=-26.72)
Stddev: 0.00962 -> 0.01053: 1.0942x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9y2u6kh'

### django ###
Min: 0.798331 -> 0.855461: 1.07x slower
Avg: 0.801109 -> 0.860996: 1.07x slower
Significant (t=-87.43)
Stddev: 0.00336 -> 0.00348: 1.0356x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9sf95pq'

### fannkuch ###
Min: 1.364705 -> 1.327680: 1.03x faster
Avg: 1.380412 -> 1.337467: 1.03x faster
Significant (t=10.48)
Stddev: 0.02056 -> 0.02040: 1.0077x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9r2vq6g'

### fastpickle ###
Min: 0.763479 -> 0.805715: 1.06x slower
Avg: 0.770036 -> 0.810855: 1.05x slower
Significant (t=-12.73)
Stddev: 0.01618 -> 0.01589: 1.0180x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9rvqo4s'

### fastunpickle ###
Min: 0.588694 -> 0.663616: 1.13x slower
Avg: 0.596622 -> 0.672418: 1.13x slower
Significant (t=-23.22)
Stddev: 0.01503 -> 0.01752: 1.1656x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9eggn34'

### float ###
Min: 0.363234 -> 0.344408: 1.05x faster
Avg: 0.376159 -> 0.354165: 1.06x faster
Significant (t=8.76)
Stddev: 0.01282 -> 0.01227: 1.0455x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/8d6rcb8'

### formatted_logging ###
Min: 0.330988 -> 0.400309: 1.21x slower
Avg: 0.335522 -> 0.408920: 1.22x slower
Significant (t=-33.48)
Stddev: 0.00989 -> 0.01194: 1.2076x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9ll7dqk'

### genshi ###
Min: 0.229140 -> 0.251766: 1.10x slower
Avg: 0.232124 -> 0.257252: 1.11x slower
Significant (t=-40.24)
Stddev: 0.00516 -> 0.00564: 1.0925x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9dpuuaw'

### go ###
Min: 0.632778 -> 0.710382: 1.12x slower
Avg: 0.636143 -> 0.716748: 1.13x slower
Significant (t=-37.61)
Stddev: 0.00186 -> 0.01504: 8.0815x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/8s7vw74'

### hexiom2 ###
Min: 150.982155 -> 154.702444: 1.02x slower
Avg: 151.194622 -> 154.780953: 1.02x slower
Significant (t=-15.83)
Stddev: 0.30047 -> 0.11103: 2.7063x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/8rkkduv'

### iterative_count ###
Min: 0.117036 -> 0.156752: 1.34x slower
Avg: 0.120802 -> 0.172218: 1.43x slower
Significant (t=-34.92)
Stddev: 0.00542 -> 0.00889: 1.6422x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9x9rtnk'

### json_dump_v2 ###
Min: 3.449868 -> 3.522645: 1.02x slower
Avg: 3.467124 -> 3.541902: 1.02x slower
Significant (t=-13.20)
Stddev: 0.02701 -> 0.02960: 1.0959x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/8bsz64a'

### json_load ###
Min: 0.981740 -> 0.567611: 1.73x faster
Avg: 0.986729 -> 0.572975: 1.72x faster
Significant (t=128.95)
Stddev: 0.01796 -> 0.01386: 1.2955x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/93txokx'

### mako_v2 ###
Min: 0.083660 -> 0.243323: 2.91x slower
Avg: 0.084634 -> 0.247875: 2.93x slower
Significant (t=-821.55)
Stddev: 0.00193 -> 0.00400: 2.0737x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/98n9fab'

### meteor_contest ###
Min: 0.257992 -> 0.232116: 1.11x faster
Avg: 0.262581 -> 0.236684: 1.11x faster
Significant (t=14.31)
Stddev: 0.00916 -> 0.00894: 1.0243x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/8tpjt43'

### nbody ###
Min: 0.375414 -> 0.293685: 1.28x faster
Avg: 0.379489 -> 0.299794: 1.27x faster
Significant (t=42.71)
Stddev: 0.00997 -> 0.00864: 1.1537x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/96aqtod'

### normal_startup ###
Min: 0.360002 -> 0.593214: 1.65x slower
Avg: 0.386755 -> 0.600625: 1.55x slower
Significant (t=-134.28)
Stddev: 0.01055 -> 0.00395: 2.6704x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9td8pna'

### nqueens ###
Min: 0.300390 -> 0.363904: 1.21x slower
Avg: 0.304282 -> 0.368003: 1.21x slower
Significant (t=-37.41)
Stddev: 0.00813 -> 0.00888: 1.0920x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9zxyfcu'

### pathlib ###
Min: 0.106088 -> 0.138693: 1.31x slower
Avg: 0.107279 -> 0.139885: 1.30x slower
Significant (t=-133.12)
Stddev: 0.00256 -> 0.00290: 1.1324x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9llvj6a'

### pidigits ###
Min: 0.351666 -> 0.341745: 1.03x faster
Avg: 0.354743 -> 0.344146: 1.03x faster
Significant (t=5.89)
Stddev: 0.00965 -> 0.00829: 1.1643x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/8bkgrv4'

### raytrace ###
Min: 1.547054 -> 1.641147: 1.06x slower
Avg: 1.552614 -> 1.643716: 1.06x slower
Significant (t=-286.42)
Stddev: 0.00190 -> 0.00120: 1.5920x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9bmnbsd'

### regex_compile ###
Min: 0.494022 -> 0.537924: 1.09x slower
Avg: 0.497904 -> 0.541971: 1.09x slower
Significant (t=-18.23)
Stddev: 0.01177 -> 0.01239: 1.0523x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/cvdhrrm'

### regex_effbot ###
Min: 0.065431 -> 0.073393: 1.12x slower
Avg: 0.069753 -> 0.077338: 1.11x slower
Significant (t=-10.61)
Stddev: 0.00361 -> 0.00354: 1.0179x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/cupb89m'

### regex_v8 ###
Min: 0.071053 -> 0.081441: 1.15x slower
Avg: 0.075075 -> 0.086167: 1.15x slower
Significant (t=-12.44)
Stddev: 0.00359 -> 0.00518: 1.4455x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/d9ly6x3'

### simple_logging ###
Min: 0.325386 -> 0.395093: 1.21x slower
Avg: 0.330235 -> 0.399825: 1.21x slower
Significant (t=-34.22)
Stddev: 0.00952 -> 0.01077: 1.1317x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/8sbqv85'

### startup_nosite ###
Min: 0.082137 -> 0.453112: 5.52x slower
Avg: 0.129994 -> 0.459361: 3.53x slower
Significant (t=-276.85)
Stddev: 0.01114 -> 0.00419: 2.6585x smaller
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/932mzal'

### telco ###
Min: 0.810000 -> 0.010000: 81.00x faster
Avg: 0.823600 -> 0.015200: 54.18x faster
Significant (t=284.37)
Stddev: 0.01946 -> 0.00505: 3.8556x smaller

### threaded_count ###
Min: 0.140653 -> 0.173500: 1.23x slower
Avg: 0.152514 -> 0.270779: 1.78x slower
Significant (t=-49.87)
Stddev: 0.00605 -> 0.01564: 2.5837x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/9w4u7el'

### unpack_sequence ###
Min: 0.000077 -> 0.000067: 1.15x faster
Avg: 0.000081 -> 0.000069: 1.18x faster
Significant (t=1163.57)
Stddev: 0.00000 -> 0.00000: 1.7412x larger
Timeline: b'http://tinyurl.com/8qdcjcr'

The following not significant results are hidden, use -v to show them:
html5lib, richards, silent_logging, spectral_norm.
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