[Python-Dev] Python 3.3 vs. Python 2.7 benchmark results (again, but this time more solid numbers)

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 17:22:20 CEST 2012

On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 11:20 PM, Brett Cannon <bcannon at gmail.com> wrote:
> I did check that markup safe as not installed. It might just be mako doing
> something silly.
> The threads tests are very synthetic.
> And yes, there are more modules at startup. When was the last to,e we looked
> at them to make sure we weren't doing needless I ports?

It's been quite a while.

>>> py3k - py27
set(['reprlib', 'heapq', '_collections', 'functools', '_bisect',
'copyreg', 'io', 'operator', '_heapq', '_io', '_thread',
'encodings.latin_1', 'collections', '_frozen_importlib',
'collections.abc', 'builtins', '_sysconfigdata', '_functools',
'keyword', '_imp', 'bisect', 'weakref', 'itertools', 'marshal'])

>>> py27 - py3k
set(['exceptions', 'copy_reg', 'warnings', 'UserDict', 'traceback',
'encodings.codecs', '__builtin__', 'linecache', '_abcoll',
'encodings.__builtin__', 'encodings.encodings', 'types'])

To check how many of those dependencies stemmed from collections, I
checked against the 2.7 version:

>>> py3k - py27_with_collections
set(['_functools', 'reprlib', '_thread', '_io', '_imp',
'_frozen_importlib', 'functools', 'weakref', 'collections.abc',
'encodings.latin_1', 'io', 'copyreg', 'builtins', 'marshal',

>>> py27_with_collections - py3k
set(['exceptions', 'copy_reg', 'thread', 'warnings', 'UserDict',
'traceback', 'encodings.codecs', '__builtin__', 'linecache',
'_abcoll', 'encodings.__builtin__', 'encodings.encodings', 'types'])

Implicitly bringing in _thread is a bit of a worry. Apparently 3.2 had
the same problem, though:

>>> py3k - py32
{'_imp', '_frozen_importlib', '_warnings', 'collections.abc',
'marshal', '_sysconfigdata'}

>>> py32 - py3k
{'_locale', 'locale', 'traceback', 'linecache', 'token', '_abcoll', 'tokenize'}


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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