[Python-Dev] Python 3.3 vs. Python 2.7 benchmark results (again, but this time more solid numbers)

Tim Delaney timothy.c.delaney at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 22:53:42 CEST 2012

On 28 October 2012 07:40, Mark Shannon <mark at hotpy.org> wrote:

> I suspect that stating and loading the .pyc files is responsible for most
> of the overhead.
> PyRun starts up quite a lot faster thanks to embedding all the modules in
> the executable: http://www.egenix.com/**products/python/PyRun/<http://www.egenix.com/products/python/PyRun/>
> Freezing all the core modules into the executable should reduce start up
> time.

That suggests a test to me that the Cython guys might be interested in (or
may well have performed in the past). How much of the stdlib could be
compiled with Cython and used during the startup process? How much of an
effect would it have on startup times and these benchmarks if
Cython-compiled extensions were used?

I'm thinking here of elimination of .pyc interpretation and execution (stat
calls would be similar, probably slightly higher).

To be clear - I'm *not* suggesting Cython become part of the required build
toolchain. But *if* the Cython-compiled extensions prove to be
significantly faster I'm thinking maybe it could become a semi-supported
option (e.g. a HOWTO with the caveat "it worked on this particular system").

Tim Delaney
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