[Python-Dev] please back out changeset f903cf864191 before alpha-2

Scott Dial scott+python-dev at scottdial.com
Tue Aug 27 05:45:55 CEST 2013

On 8/26/2013 8:51 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Le Mon, 26 Aug 2013 08:24:58 -0400,
> Tres Seaver <tseaver at palladion.com> a écrit :
>> On 08/26/2013 04:36 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>>> event-driven processing using network libraries
>> Maybe I missed something:  why should considerations from that topic
>> influence the design of an API for XML processing?
> Because this API is mostly useful when the data is received (*) at a
> slow enough speed - which usually means from the network, not from a
> hard drive.
> The whole *point* of adding IncrementalParser was to parse incoming
> XML data in a way that is friendly with event-driven network
> programming, other use cases being *already* covered by existing
> APIs. This is why it's far from nonsensical to re-use an existing
> terminology from that world.

Since when is Tulip the OOWTDI? If this was Twisted, it would be "write"
and "finish"[1]. Tulip's Protocol ABC isn't even a good match for the
application. There is reason that Twisted has a separate
Consumer/Producer interface from the network I/O interface. I'm sure
there is other existing practice in this specific area too (e.g.,


Scott Dial
scott at scottdial.com

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