[Python-Dev] Point of building without threads?

Stefan Krah stefan at bytereef.org
Sat Feb 16 10:57:14 CET 2013

Yury V. Zaytsev <yury at shurup.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-05-07 at 21:49 +0200, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> > 
> > I guess a long time ago, threading support in operating systems wasn't
> > very widespread, but these days all our supported platforms have it.
> > Is it still useful for production purposes to configure
> > --without-threads? Do people use this option for something else than
> > curiosity of mind? 
> I hope that the intent behind asking this question was more of being
> curious, rather then considering dropping --without-threads:
> unfortunately, multithreading was, still is and probably will remain
> troublesome on many supercomputing platforms.
> Often, once a new supercomputer is launched, as a developer you get a
> half-baked C/C++ compiler with threading support broken to the point
> when it's much easier to not use it altogether [*] rather than trying to
> work around the compiler quirks.

Out of curiosity: Do these incomplete compilers have any problem with either                            
stdint.h or static inline functions in header files?                                                    

Stefan Krah

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