[Python-Dev] [Distutils] PEP 426 is now the draft spec for distribution metadata 2.0

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 11:24:15 CET 2013

On Tuesday, 19 February 2013, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

> The only tool in wide spread use that understands part of the 1.2 data
> is setuptools/distribute, but it can only understand the Requires-Dist
> field of that version of the spec (only because the 1.1 Requires field was
> deprecated) and interprets a Provides-Extra field which isn't
> even standard. All other 1.2 fields are ignored.
> setuptools/distribute still writes 1.1 meta-data.
> I've never seen environment markers being used or supported
> in the wild.
> I'm not against modernizing the format, but given that version 1.2
> has been out for around 8 years now, without much following,
> I think we need to make the implementation bit a requirement
> before accepting the PEP.

The wheel project uses metadata 2.0 and environment markers - indeed, the
PEP was written to formalise what wheel was implementing (specifically so
that pip was happy to incorporate support). Standard library support was
hampered by the difficulty of changing Distutils - an issue which may have
gone away now.

I agree that standard library support would be good, either via Distutils
or by incorporating distlib, but I don't think it is essential for

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