[Python-Dev] Dash

Ezio Melotti ezio.melotti at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 23:49:18 CEST 2013


On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 7:38 PM, Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com> wrote:
> What type of dash is preferable in the documentation? The en dash (–) or the
> em dash (—)?

Both should be used where appropriate [0].  The em dash is more
common, however "--" (commonly used to indicate the em dash in e.g.
emails) gets converted to an en dash by Sphinx [1].  I noticed this a
while ago, and I started using "---" in the documentation whenever I
wanted an em dash.
If this is not documented it should be added to the "documenting" page
of the devguide, so that people start using the right ones and convert
the wrong ones when they come across them.

Best Regards,
Ezio Melotti

[0]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dash
[1]: https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx/src/default/sphinx/util/smartypants.py#cl-261

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