[Python-Dev] Building a Faster Python

Steve Dower Steve.Dower at microsoft.com
Mon Jul 22 02:24:45 CEST 2013

>From: Ben Hoyt
>> PyBench2.0 shows the total running time dropping from 5653ms to 4571ms.
> That's very cool -- a significant improvement. Is this the kind of change that could go into 2.7.6 binaries?
> As a Windows user, it makes me wonder if compiling with the latest version of the Microsoft compiler
> would improve things similarly?

I'd expect to see some improvement, based solely on the bugs fixed recently by the optimizer team. No idea how much, but I know that Martin builds with PGO, and that's also been improved recently.

> (Though updating project files to that is almost certainly a bigger project than the gcc update.)

No idea what the gcc update involved, but this is only accurate if it took less than two minutes :-) I've upgraded the CPython projects before and everything worked fine.


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