[Python-Dev] Python Language Summit at PyCon: Agenda

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue Mar 5 01:54:33 CET 2013

On 4 Mar 2013, at 22:24, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:

> On Mar 04, 2013, at 05:04 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
>> Sure, but that has nothing to do with programmatic package discovery.
>> That's something you will have to do as a person in making a qualitative
>> decision along the same lines as API design. Flipping a bit in a config
>> file saying "I have tests" doesn't say much beyond you flipped a bit, e.g.
>> no idea on coverage, quality, etc.
> What I'm looking for is something that automated tools can use to easily
> discover how to run a package's tests.  I want it to be dead simple for
> developers of a package to declare how their tests are to be run, and what
> extra dependencies they might need.  It seems like PEP 426 only addresses the
> latter.  Maybe that's fine and a different PEP is needed to describe automated
> test discover, but I still think it's an important use case.
> Imagine:
> * Every time you upload a package to PyPI, snakebite runs your test suite on
>   a variety of Python versions and platforms.  You get a nice link to the
>   Jenkins results so you and your users get a good sense of overall package
>   quality.
> * You have an automated gatekeeper that will prevent commits or uploads if
>   your coverage or test results get worse instead of better.
> * Distro packagers can build tools that auto-discover the tests so that they
>   are run automatically when the package is built, ensuring high quality
>   packages specifically targeted to those distros.
> As a community, we know how important tests are, so I think our tools should
> reflect that and make it easy for those tests to be expressed.  As a selfish
> side-effect, I want to reduce the amount of guesswork I need to perform in
> order to know how to run a package's test when I `$vcs clone` their
> repository. ;)

Distutils2 had a way of specifying this in the metadata. It looks like this hasn't made it into the reboot:



> Cheers,
> -Barry
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