[Python-Dev] built-in Python test runner (was: Python Language Summit at PyCon: Agenda)

Lennart Regebro regebro at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 08:02:09 CET 2013

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 1:41 AM, Robert Collins
<robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> So that is interesting, but its not sufficient to meet the automation
> need Barry is calling out, unless all test suites can be run by
> 'python -m unittest discover' with no additional parameters [and a
> pretty large subset cannot].

But can they be changed so they are? That's gotta be the important bit.

What's needed here is not a tool that can run all unittests in
existence, but an official way for automated tools to run tests, with
the ability for any test and test framework to hook into that, so that
you can run any test suite automatically from an automated tool. The,
once that mechanism has been identified/implemented, we need to tell
everybody to do this.

I don't care much what that mechanism is, but I think the easiest way
to get there is to tell people to extend distutils with a test command
(or use Distribute) and perhaps add such a command in 3.4 that will do
the unittest discover thingy. I remember looking into zope.testrunner
hooking into that mechanism as well, but I don't remember what the
outcome was.


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