[Python-Dev] PyPy, Jython, & IronPython: Enum convenience function and pickleablity

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri May 3 18:08:16 CEST 2013

On May 03, 2013, at 07:40 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

>The problem is that this is not an expression, it is a statement. The
>advantage of the convenience function is not just that it is shorter, but
>that it is an expression.

Exactly right, but let's stop calling it the "convenience API" and instead
call it the "functional API".  I probably started the perpetuation of this
problem; let's update the PEP.

BTW, I made a suggestion elsewhere that the first argument could accept, but
not require dotted names in the first argument.  If provided, rsplit the
string and use the prefix as __module__.  If not given, fallback to the
_getframe() hack for those implementations where it's available.

The same could probably be done to namedtuples.


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