[Python-Dev] Issue 11406: adding os.scandir(), a directory iterator returning stat-like info

Christian Heimes christian at python.org
Fri May 10 13:46:30 CEST 2013

Am 10.05.2013 12:55, schrieb Ben Hoyt:
> Higher-level functions like os.walk() would then check the fields they
> needed are not None, and only call os.stat() if needed, for example:
> # Build lists of files and directories in path
> files = []
> dirs = []
> for name, st in os.scandir(path):
>     if st.st_mode is None:
>         st = os.stat(os.path.join(path, name))
>     if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
>         dirs.append(name)
>     else:
>         files.append(name)

Have you actually tried the code? It can't give you correct answers. The
struct dirent.d_type member as returned by readdir() has different
values than stat.st_mode's file type.

For example on my system readdir() returns DT_DIR for a directory but
S_ISDIR() checks different bits:

DT_DIR = 4

S_ISDIR(mode) ((mode) & 0170000) == 0040000

Or are you proposing to map d_type to st_mode? That's also problematic
because st_mode would only have file type bits, not permission bits.
Also POSIX standards state that new file types will not get additional
S_IF* constant assigned to. Some operation systems have IFTODT() /
DTTOIF() macros which convert bits between st_mode and d_type but the
macros aren't part of POSIX standard.

Hence I'm +1 on the general idea but -1 on something stat like. IMHO
os.scandir() should yield four objects:

 * name
 * inode
 * file type or DT_UNKNOWN
 * stat_result or None

stat_result shall only be returned when the operating systems provides a
full stat result as returned by os.stat().


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