[Python-Dev] How to debug python crashes

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Tue May 14 20:52:11 CEST 2013


I don't know if it can help, but if you really don't know where your
programcrash/hang occurs, you can use the faulthandler module:


It can be used to display te backtrace of all threads on an event like a
signal or a timeout.

It works with Python, but you will need a compiler (like Visual Studio) to
install it on Windows. I failed to build a MSI installer on Windows 64-bit
with Visual Studio 2010 express. If someone can help me to build MSI,
please contact me.

The documentation:



Le mardi 14 mai 2013, Philippe Fremy a écrit :

> Hi,
> I have a reproducable crash on Windows XP with Python 2.7 which I would
> like to investigate. I have Visual Studio 2008 installed and I
> downloaded the pdb files. However I could not find any instructions on
> how to use them and was unsuccessful at getting anything out of it.
> I checked the developer guide but could not find anything on debugging
> crashes. On internet, this seems to be also an underdocumented topic.
> So, a few questions :
> - is there some documentation to help debugging crashes ?
> - are the pdb files released along python usable with Visual Studio and
> stock Python ? Or do you need a hand-compiled version ?
> cheers,
> Philippe
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