[Python-Dev] PEP 451 update

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Fri Nov 1 14:35:38 CET 2013

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 1 Nov 2013 01:37, "PJ Eby" <pje at telecommunity.com> wrote:
> .  ;-)
> >
> > I also suspect, that if properly spelled out, those use cases are
> > going to boil down to:
> >
> > 1. Throwing errors if you have an existing module object you can't
> > load into, and
> > 2. Passing in a previous spec object, if available
> >
> > In other words, loaders should not really have any responsibility for
> > or concept of "reloading" -- they always load into a module object
> > (that they may or may not have created), and they may get given a spec
> > from a previous load.  They should deal only in "module reuse" and
> > "spec reuse".  While a typical reload() might involve both reuses,
> > there are cases where one sort of reuse could occur independently, and
> > not all loaders care about both (or even either) condition.
> >
> > At any rate, it means a loader author doesn't have to figure out how
> > to handle "reloading", all they have to figure out is whether they can
> > load into a particular module object, and whether they can do
> > something useful with a spec that was previously used to load a module
> > with the same name -- a spec that may or may not refer to a similar
> > previous loader.  These are rather more well-defined endeavors than
> > trying to determine in the abstract whether one "supports reload".
> > ;-)
> It may not have been clear from the email exchange, but that's basically
> where we ended up :)
> The change Eric is currently going to make to the PEP is to add an
> optional "previous" parameter to the various find_spec APIs.
> At the time when find_spec runs, sys.modules hasn't been touched yet, so
> the old module state is still available when reloading. Passing the spec in
> lets the loader decide whether or not it can actually load that module
> given the information about the previous load operation.
Do you mean loader or finder? You say "find_spec" which is for finders, but
then you say "loader".

> However, perhaps it makes more sense to pass the entire existing module,
> rather than just the spec? I'd like to minimise the need for new-style
> loader authors to retrieve things directly from the sys module, and you're
> right that "can I reload into this particular module?" is a slightly
> different question from "can I reload a module previously loaded using this
> particular spec?".
> A spec-based API could still be used to answer the first question by
> looking up sys.modules, but so could the name based API. Passing in the
> module reference, on the other hand, should let loaders answer both
> questions without needing to touch the sys module.
> I also now think this pass-the-module approach when finding the spec
> approach could also clean up some of the messiness that is __main__
> initialisation, where we repeatedly load things into the same module object.

See you mention "finding" but before now everything has been "loader".

> Let's say we be completely explicit and call the new parameter something
> like "load_target". If we do that then I would make the *same* change to
> runpy.run_path and runpy.run_module: let you pass in an existing module
> object under that name to say "hey, run in this namespace, rather than a
> fresh one". (Those APIs currently only support pre-populating a *fresh*
> namespace, rather than allowing you to directly specify an existing one)
> Most loaders won't care, but those that do will have all the info they
> need to throw an exception saying "I could provide a spec for this, but
> it's not compatible with that load target".
Exactly what APIs -- new or changed -- are you proposing? Method signatures
only please to avoid ambiguity. =)
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