[Python-Dev] Released: Python 2.6.9 release candidate 1

Thanatos xiao yanxiaopei199 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 04:25:58 CEST 2013


2013/10/1 Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>

> Hello Pythoneers and Pythonistas,
> I'm happy to announce the availability of Python 2.6.9 release candidate 1.
> Python 2.6.9rc1 is a security-fix source-only release for Python 2.6.  This
> means that general bug maintenance has ended, and only critical security
> issues are being fixed.  It also means that no installers for Windows or
> Mac
> OS X will be provided.  The last binary release of Python 2.6 was 2.6.6.
> Python 2.6.9 final is currently scheduled for Monday, October 28, 2013.
>  Five
> years after the original release of Python 2.6, the 2.6.9 final release
> will
> be the last release of the Python 2.6 series.  After this, all official
> maintenance of any kind for Python 2.6 will cease and the series will be
> retired.
> For ongoing maintenance, please see Python 2.7.
> Since 2.6.9 will be the last Python 2.6 release ever, I ask that you please
> download Python 2.6.9rc1, build it on your favorite platforms, and test it
> with your favorite code.  You can report bugs to the Python bug tracker:
>     http://bugs.python.org
> The source can be download from:
>     http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6.9/
> You can also see what's changed since Python 2.6.8:
>     http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6.9/NEWS.txt
> Many thanks go out to the entire Python community for their contributions
> and
> help in making Python 2.6.9 available, especially Jyrki Pulliainen for his
> patch contributions.
> Enjoy,
> -Barry
> (on behalf of the Python development community)
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