[Python-Dev] intobject.c free_list and int_dealloc()

Laurent Luce laurentluce49 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 6 23:43:17 CEST 2013


I am trying to understand how the free list linked-list evolves when an int object is deallocated.

At the beginning, free_list is pointing to the last int object (n-1) in the block.  We initialize two int objects, free_list now points to the int object: n-3.

free_list -> n-3
n-1 -> n-2
n-2 -> n-3
n-3 -> n-4...

We delete the first int object initialized:

n-1 -> n-3
free_list -> n-1

It seems to me that two elements are now pointing to the n-3 element: n-1 and n-2.  I am pretty sure I am missing something here.  Can someone let me know?


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